Board Governance
We have four boards that guide our work. We are governed by a Board of Directors who primarily deal with issues of compliance, finances, and assurances. We have two advisory boards, our Young Professionals Board and our Advisory Board of business and community members who guide us through pragmatic programming for our fundraising and awareness efforts. Our fourth board is our Research Review Board and this board’s primary responsibility is to work with the researchers at Children’s Mercy Hospital and KU Cancer Center to ensure that the research we are funding matches our mission, is feasible, and that our accountability criteria to ensure that the dollars we invest are making a difference is being met.
Stacy Albin, Secretary
Hema Bisarya
Sam Bowlby
Austin Bradley
Dave Flickinger, Chairman
Matt Hansen
Deliece Hofen
Brian Hofen
Steve Linder
Mike Loritz, Treasurer
Bryan McGowan
Rob Rogers, Vice-Chairman
Kim Stanley
Jennifer Utting
Keith White
Hema Bisarya
Sam Bowlby
Austin Bradley
Dave Flickinger, Chairman
Matt Hansen
Deliece Hofen
Brian Hofen
Steve Linder
Mike Loritz, Treasurer
Bryan McGowan
Rob Rogers, Vice-Chairman
Kim Stanley
Jennifer Utting
Keith White
Nichole Asquith
Robin Broder
Laura Buckman
Phillip Charlton
Jennifer Claar
Brian Dolezal
Laura Dolezal
Angie Ebright
Mikel Flickinger
John Fuller
Amy Gregory
Brian Gregory
Amanda Grosdidier
Charlie Hill
Stephanie Ingelhardt
Jessica Lilja
Mallory McCandless
Jill Meyer
Laurie Minard
Barry Nelson
Tom Oltjen
Jim Ondick
Laura Read
Allie Sanchez
Lindsay Weiss
Lori Werth
Jordan Wilcosky
Ellen Wood
Robin Broder
Laura Buckman
Phillip Charlton
Jennifer Claar
Brian Dolezal
Laura Dolezal
Angie Ebright
Mikel Flickinger
John Fuller
Amy Gregory
Brian Gregory
Amanda Grosdidier
Charlie Hill
Stephanie Ingelhardt
Jessica Lilja
Mallory McCandless
Jill Meyer
Laurie Minard
Barry Nelson
Tom Oltjen
Jim Ondick
Laura Read
Allie Sanchez
Lindsay Weiss
Lori Werth
Jordan Wilcosky
Ellen Wood
Bill Cross
Abby Curry
Kory Kirkegaard
Steve Lotz
Mackenzie McDonald
Will Miller
Hanna Nelson
Mackenzie Randall
Mackenzie Randall
Madeline Sheffield
Blake Straatmann
Blayr Studer
Brandi Thomas
Blake Straatmann
Blayr Studer
Brandi Thomas